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Year 2 Musical: There’s A Sunflower In My Supper

Daisy the cow has a dream – to grow a glorious garden ‘full of flowers and plants and trees and fruit and vegetables and everything’… but grumpy Mr Bull and all the other cows only want to grow grass for their supper. They give Daisy strict instructions only to buy grass seeds at the market, but on her way back, Daisy finds a mysterious seed. Scared of what the other cows might think, she hides it away to grow in secret, but absolutely nothing happens. Thankfully, Wise Old Owl is on hand to show Daisy what seeds need in order to grow. What will grow from the seed? Will the cows come around to Daisy’s dream and realise all the benefits of a growing garden? Will Mr Bull ever calm down? 

The Year 2 students will be presenting a musical to the community early in Term 3 at Brighton Secondary. Everyone is so excited!

If you are able to support the production with prop making, costumes, make up or backstage, please complete the online form.
